Sunday, September 2, 2012

Identical, or not?

 Illustration Friday Identical Challenge, all about reflections.

The delicate flowers of late summer a change from all the yellows and oranges.


Meoww said...

Wow! You are so creative and very talented! Wonderful work!

Lynn Cohen said...

So delicate. Lovely to behold.

Christine said...

This is just beautiful!

Elderberry-Rob said...

This is so beautiful - you have a great talent. Betty

Coreopsis said...

Beautiful! Such lovely delicate colors and forms!

denthe said...

Very delicate. So beautiful!

Tracey FK said...

so delicate... I love it when you paint flowers...xx

Catharine said...

Thanks for your comments, I love painting flowers! My garden has reached the out of control phase and I am chanting my age old gardening mantra "next year"

Susan said...

This is breath taking. It has a delicate but wild flavor to it. Beautifully done!

Dana said...

Hiya!, this is beautiful work! I'm your new follower, welcome to follow me back, I blog about my art too:

Karen Smithey said...

The colors in this are simply gorgeous--