Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bursting with fragrance

Favourite flowers that are heady with fragrance.

Fragrant flowers are even better together :)

Had a short holiday in the interior of BC. Such a different landscape, beautiful but I missed the blue greens of the coast.

We went as far as Nelson almost to the Alberta border. 
Managed to get lost returning in the dark on the freeway into Vancouver! Lots of memorable adventures.


Catilustre said...

wonderful!! delicate!

Non said...

Very beautiful!

carol l mckenna said...

Absolutely dazzling ~ wonder what medium you are using? ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Catharine said...

Thanks for the nice comments. These are watercolor scanned in and digitally collaged (flowers together)

Unknown said...

OMG, this is amazing!!! Excellent job!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Your flowers are extraordinarily beautiful. Blessings!

Ni Carnahan said...

These are beautiful! ^_____^

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say you have a great site and thanks for posting!…

Unknown said...

really gorgeous, love these

Rita said...

Really gorgeous!

Linda Richardson said...

Just beautiful! so happy I found this post from Sunday Sketches :-)