Sunday, September 23, 2012

Crooked Crows Challenges met and Creative Tuesdays!

There was a crooked crow
Who found a crooked twig
He flew a crooked mile
To his crooked nest so big!

For many art challenges. I am constantly pushing myself because of these prompts. It would be very easy some weeks to let things slide. Thank you to all the sites that are out there that give up the "push" :)


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Your crows are amazing. Blessings!

Wanda said...

Oh this is absolutely marvelous. They look so real, and the story they tell is just perfect. Oh I can't get over how much I love this illustration.

Cindy D. said...

Fantastic crows! I particularly love the two on the ground with the brown twigs. Great technique!

Unknown said...

wonderful painting! The two crows together is my favorite

Unknown said...

These look lovely!

Betsy Brock said...

oh, these are so lovely! I'm always drawn to those greys and blacks!

Tammie Lee said...

oh, i find your crows to be wonderful!

Michael said...

Wonderful crows, Catharine. Perfect.

BTW, please do be sure to link back to the co-op.

Heather said... well done!

Christine said...

wonderful crow, so well done!

Morph Waffle said...

Wonderful crows!

Sharon Whitley said...

wonderful crows - found you through artists in blogland...

Viola said...

Excellent! sooo fun to see also! :)

Dina Thanki said...

Beautiful water colour work on the crow.

Lisa Friebel said...

Hi Catharine, I think your work is really beautiful, I love your watercolours, and I think your brushwork on flowers is fresh, energetic and inspiring. The crows are gorgeous. I love the pieces with the background left white, some pieces where it looks like you've added the background digitally spoil the natural elegance of the watercolour for me (just my opinion). I love your choice of subject, too, wonderful work. xo

K J D said...

Amazing! Your crows are beautiful.


Catharine said...

Thanks for all your comments, after a rather bad day at work the painting blogging world feels much friendlier:)