Sunday, January 13, 2013

Taking the plunge

Taking the plunge, testing the waters? For illustration friday & paint party friday (late) Artists in Blogland and Sunday Sketches

Further projects from this week here.


Marcia Beckett said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

Lynn Cohen said...

Simply lovely! HPPF!

sharon said...

This id gorgeous, love the red hair.

Ivy said...

This is so lovely! Happy PPF!

Cindy D. said...

Beautiful painting and beautiful color. The water is wonderfully done. Though I must admit I am chilly just looking at her!

Catharine said...

I agree it would be a chilly dip! Know that feeling when you want to get into the water but keep hesitating "getting used to the temperature" and sometimes you just chicken out:)

Netty said...

this is such a gorgeous picture, loving how you've done the water and beautiful movement. Happy PPF, Annette x

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Found You Through CED And Will Be Back.