Sunday, January 20, 2013

Myth boys can throw snowballs better than girls?

What more can I say? There are some feisty little girls out there!
For Sunday Sketches, Illustration Friday and paint party friday


Saskia said...

Beautiful work!

Smiles, Saskia :)

chelle hanna said...

What a simply beautiful watercolor!
I grew up sandwiched between two brothers, and I learned to be accurate in my snowball wars!

Ivy said...

I just love this, so fun and the little girls are perfect! Happy PPF!

Tammie Lee said...

entirely charming ~

Cheryl Coville said...

I really like this!

Catharine said...

Thanks for the comments. I love strong little girls with fashion sense ;)

Netty said...

Loving your gorgeous scene. Happy PPF, Annette x

Beth Anne Maresca said...

Love your colors! Really nice!

Coreopsis said...

This is really beautiful--luminous even.

Giggles said...

Beautiful work as always!

Hugs Giggles