Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mr Bear takes flight

Mr Bears first flight. He had better not lose his seat!

For several art challenges. It would be easy to get behind on my own self imposed challenge of painting at least once a week, life gets busy but I look back at the years output and approach it as a practice.


Tracey FK said...

this is adorable... the bear is perfectly perched there...xx

Viola said...

How fun to see Mr Bear is flying, very lovely! and the clouds look so real, as the bear! :)

carol l mckenna said...

So adorable ~ love your Teddy soaring ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Tony LaRocca said...

Very cute - and if he gets bored on the flight, he has something to read!

Ayala Art said...

So adorable!! Happy PPF (Even if I'm visiting days later)

Unknown said...

I like this little series you are making with this cute little bear!

Unknown said...

Beautiful as every... :)

Cindy D. said...

Oh too cute! I hope he has a safe landing!