Sunday, November 27, 2011

Round and Round the garden

 Teddy and boys in the garden.

Round and round the garden
Went the teddy bear
One step, two step
Tickle you under there.

This is a rhyme/tickle we use in Babytime at the library. It came to mind with the challenge "round" from Illustration Friday

For Watercolor Wednesday the letter "G" for garden.

Also Paint Party Friday , Sunday Sketches , Creative Everyday and Sweet Saturdays.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

She's so Vane

When she was 12 suddenly everyone started looking at her. She went from a tomboy to femme fatale. No wonder she was vane.

 Watercolor, and then digital experiment which do you think works best?


 The digital dress is collaged from this.
 For illustration friday vanity challenge, and paint party.

Also for Artists in Blogland

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The art of sewing on a button

 The  forgotten art of sewing on a button.
Watercolor and digital painting.
For Inspiration Ave sewing challenge

The Silent treatment

They gave each other the silent treatment for quite awhile, but it never lasted. Neither could really be mad for long.

Then there was kiss and make up.

For illustration friday "silent"
Paint Party friday
Creative Everyday
Artists in Blogland

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Creative everyday and digital play

Budding Artist
Playing with digital painting and collage. Original versions here and here with additions and subtractions.

This may be a budding artist!
Trying to make time to experiment....

What do you think?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Creative Tuesdays & Creative everyday at least trying.....

Creative Tuesdays challenge of Thanks prompted me to think of the thank you letter, will children even write them anymore? With all the devices that we use all the time will actual written letters even exist?
Whimsy Wednesday as well, also back to work for me.

Feels like a really creative weekend, is there a question of quantity over quality?
Really trying to keep up with Creative every day challenge and a challenge it is!

 Spoonflower challenge for a tea towel calendar, what do you think?
It was a learning experience! but I do like the colors.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Art Nouveau

She stepped out side and a gust of wind almost took her away. Something about the dress and hat spoke of a time when woman wore such outfits....
A little art nouveau elegance.
Inspiration Avenue challenge

Saturday, November 5, 2011


There has been a time out. Have they been arguing?
Or is one plotting against the other? One is contemplating and the other checking if the coast is clear.

For illustration friday stripes challenge, also Paint Party Friday .Also the art everyday challenge (not quite everyday this week)

 Two different versions which one do you like best?
I think I must like stripes!