Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hearts, Disguises and Valentines Flowers

Can you see the disguise?
Playing with hearts

Watercolour hearts, seeds started, fog lifting for a little sun today, greenhouse warm and earthy. Downton Abbey on tonight!


Cindy D. said...

Wow, beautiful reds and purples! And that cute little face - I had to search to find it.

Victoria said...

Absolutely gorgeous and enchanting! Such powerful beautifully done and expressed! They feel like floral poems to me!
Happy Sunday Sketches
Victoria,pencil and wing #11

SandeeNC said...

Beautiful! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Netty said...

Totally gorgeous. Happy PPF, Annette x

DVArtist said...

Oohhhh these are so pretty.
Well done

Astera said...

A face as beautiful as a flower! Lovely design, Catharine! :)

Catharine said...

Thanks for your comments! Fun to hide a little face within.