Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Wreath Refrain

Natural Christmas wreath, tried to refrain from the Christmas rush, with the children's programs at the library its a challenge! Crafts, storytimes and puppet plays......very busy weeks ahead then holidays! I am looking forward to family and rest. How about you?


Kristine Allphin-Brakenhoff said...

Lovely work. Very well done.

sharon said...

Thazt weath is awesome!, well done.

S. D. Browne said...

So beautifully done! I too am looking forward to family time and rest this holiday season, enjoy!

Catharine said...

Thanks for your comments! Frosty days ahead :)

Debbie said...

wow, this is beautiful! xo

Catharine said...

Thank you for the lovely comments. Spent the day in the city, mall, car being readied for winter= exhausting! Need a holiday to recover from the weekend :)

Astera said...

Catharine, this is splendid...I wish I could find one like it to place on my front door. Happy December! :)

Amber said...

The wreath is beautiful!

Paper rainbow said...

beautiful christmas wreath!!

Lou Anne Hazel said...

What a lovely wreath! I'm so glad you shared it with us at IA!