Sunday, October 6, 2013

In Bloom on Paper this week

Wonderful sunny day starting to cut the garden back. I have spent way too much time fiddling around with  short video which I hope is now properly embedded! Lots to learn. 


janice smith said...

This is absolutely stunning, Catharine. I am blown away by your talent! xo, Janice (visiting from Sunday Sketches)

Fern Spackman said...

A beautiful painting. The flower petals look so fragile and translucent.

Astera said...

I saw the video all right...the painting is gorgeous. I wish I could get similar delicate effects when drawing flowers with markers...

Netty said...

loving your gorgeous flower painting, happy PPF, Annette x

Ariel said...

Your flowers are so beautiful. Love, love them.

Giggles said...

You are so talented...these are beautiful!

Hugs Giggles

Tracey FK said...

love these colours and you have such a fresh and clean style... great to finally get to the computer and find a minute to comment on this lovlieness...even if I am a week late... lol...xx

Catharine said...

Thanks for your comments, looking forward to a long weekend :)

Geri Meftah Art said...

I love everything about this watercolor. The colors, the way it is painted, the touch, the lightness. Beautiful.