Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hidden Within

Hidden within; cabbage moths, if only they did good works instead of laying eggs and hatching into insatiable worms....
Feels great to be painting something other than living room walls, we are almost there, walls painted, floors sanded just the smelly floor finish to go down. The end is in sight :)


Mary C. Nasser said...

So lovely and intricate and delicate!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Madame Ziba said...

Very beautiful! The flowers look so thin an d fragile! Great work!

Bohlen said...

Like it very much. It is so delicate.

Karla B said...

Your work is fabulous!

Sarah Melling said...

Found you via Illustration Friday...your work is really beautiful!

Catharine said...

Thanks for the lovely comments. Back to finishing floors :)