Saturday, November 3, 2012

Feeling Shy

Feeling shy, for Illustration Friday, paint party friday.  More fall leaves.


Giggles said...

Awe these are adorable!!! I love the little girl riding on a leaf, just precious!! Wonderful work!

Hugs Giggles

Ritu Dua said...

She is bold enough to be flying like that...why shy ? :)
Absolutely gorgeous!

denthe said...

Oh so cute! love her rosered cheeks ....

Rita said...


carlarey said...

Ohhhhh....I swear that is my reaction every time I see your beautiful illustrations, just a big sigh at the loveliness (and maybe a little envy too).

Catharine said...

Thanks for your comments! I have been out raking a mountain of leaves and wishing I could fly away with them (Or a least the wind would take them all away)

Mary C. Nasser said...

Very sweet portraits!
So lovely.
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Unknown said...

Ahhh, so cute and the red refecting in the cheeks and the autumn leaf... :)

Lynn Cohen said...

You have such a complete grasp on the feel of children's spirits. I love these little cherubs you draw and paint. HPPF!

Viola said...

Impressive! and so sweet! the first one as taken out of a dream, I like it much! :)