Saturday, November 24, 2012

Whiskers channeling inner tiger

Old tigger, white of whiskers but she still has moments of play.
More of the falling leaves here and here.

Playing with adding backgrounds.....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Zoom Zoom

 Zoom away...hang on tight, whirl with the wind.
Meant to post earlier, power went out! Lots of wind, candles and quiet.

Falling #2

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pink Play

 Playing with pink, experiments with watercolour on paper and board. Will post the finished images sometime this week (if I don't totally wreck them!)

12 X 12 Experiment on watercolour paper + mixed media will post the final (maybe) :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tree Unravelling

Mother nature unravelling into the branches. I've had this image in my head the last few weeks. A study for a show I'm working towards with a theme of fantasy realms. It's a toss up between this idea and flying fairy's. Which do you think is the best choice?