Monday, January 18, 2016

Spin me a tale

 Tale Spinner, which do you prefer?


  1. Love them both, but am particularly drawn to the bottom one.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Barbara, sometimes when I look at things for too long they feel messy. I wasn't sure if I had added too many elements to the second one.

  3. Hi there this is my first time playing along with PPF.
    Both drawing are wonderful.
    There is something about the first one that really clicks for me...
    the curves and colors are calming and oh so beautiful.
    Patty #9

  4. Like them both but I prefer the first one! Nice work as always Catharine!

  5. Thanks Marcela, I'm back and forth on the busyness of the second ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. I like the top one better as a vignette/illustration, but the bottom one better as a textile design, how's that. :)

  7. Thanks Thalia, I appreciate your feedback.

  8. Love these images. I love the first one for stationary or even plates or napkins--household things. The bottom would be wonderful design for a scarf or the inside of a wonderful jacket. LOVE. Happy to say I signed up for your blog. New follower. xo

  9. Thanks Dea. Welcome to Deep Cove Flowers!

  10. I really like them both, but I can't really see what's going on in the second one. However, the color combo and aesthetic is pleasing to look at in both of them.

  11. Thanks Christine and Valerie, I know the second one is busy!

  12. They are beautiful would you mind if I shared your talents with instagram ? X

  13. Hi Esther, thanks for your comment. Share away if you can link to me that would great ๐Ÿ˜„


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