Monday, February 3, 2014

Exotic Early Spring Flowers

First of the years flowers.
 Every year these beauties amaze me, early exotic and hardy. 
They have hybridized in my garden to an amazing mix of shades of pink, cream, spotted and green.
 I have painted them in the past  here which do you like best? I was amazed that the old one had been pinned 472 times! I don't often check these things and am surprised by some statistics, 155,375 notes for this post on tumblr? And followers on tumblr 943....Do these reflect anything? Who knows in this social digital age.


  1. Well those are charming! Beautiful favorite. :) The colors are wonderful. WOW thanks for sharing!!

    Happy Paint Party Friday! I'm so late but I wanted to share my new site. My Sis went into labor Friday and had her baby on Saturday. Yay!

  2. WOW!!! these are amazing. I can't stop looking at them. Well done.

  3. This is just lovely. I look and let out a sigh of peace!

  4. As always so gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing....

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Really beautiful!
    They almost look real!


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