Sunday, November 10, 2013

Winter Color

Bouquet in season, lots of berries for the birds, maybe a Christmas Card? More seasonal than last week :)
A stretch for Illustration Friday Energy challenge but....berries are food for birds therefore their energy source!


  1. Just gorgeous Cathrine!! It would make a lovely Christmas card!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Always love your watercolours...gorgeous painting :)

  3. Love how much color nature provides us even in winter. It would definitely work great as a Holiday card. Maybe you could arrange these flowers to spell "Joy" like you did previously?

  4. Forgive me for my late reply. I've been terribly swamped on this end. :)

    I was thrilled to see you post again. I just love your work and it's incredibly inspiring to me.


  5. beautiful painting! Definitely a good Christmas card!

  6. Thanks for all your comments! Been busy getting ready for Island illustrators show. Christmas card in the works :)


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