Monday, September 30, 2013

Last Faces

 Last faces for the 29 faces challenge, didn't do very well.... good exercise though. I think I should stick with flowers and the odd cat!


  1. How beautiful your faces. I love your watercolors, especially the ones with flowers. Have a lovely rest of the week!

  2. Hi! You said that you "didn't do very well & should stick with flowers & the odd cat" NO! Your faces are really amazing! I can't believe how beautiful they are and that you painted them in watercolor! Your work is gorgeous and you are gifted!♥!!

  3. Thanks for your comments you are both very generous!

  4. You didn't do very well, you said??!?
    these faces are FANTASTIC!! and so is the cat! :) go on, paint more faces, I love them! :)


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