Monday, May 13, 2013

After the Rain

We've had it all warmth and rain, the garden has gone crazy with wild growth. This is all in bloom this week.


  1. Hi Catherine,

    You must be in a warmer spot south than I : ) Just the daffodils, violets and peeking lily of the valley are my garden companions at the moment.

    Luv your Spring floral bouquet; the detail in those foxgloves, actually in all of the flowers is amazing.

    Beautifully done!
    Annabelle O,O

  2. Beautiful! I have some bluebells in my yard to and I always admire them.

  3. Thanks Annabelle! My garden is wild right now just the right amount of warmth and rain but also the worst tent caterpillars. The mild winter to thank :)

  4. Thanks Amber, the bluebells here are almost over and peonies are budding fast. I want to try to paint it all!

  5. Your painting is gorgeous Catherine. Hugs Annette x

  6. Terrific Catherine...this is beautiful!! Yes the plants finally seem happy!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. solo me llega una palabra: Maravilloso!!


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