Sunday, July 22, 2012

Carry as many as you can read

Summer reading club is happening at the library. Children ask "How many books can I borrow" I reply as many as you can read or carry. I watch them rush to the Children's department and load up then precariously head to the checkout with a slippery stack. We hear the odd crash.


  1. Haha cute! I remember going to the library when I was little in Connecticut. Such a great place with that solemn air of quiet and so many adventures to find.

  2. I love the library! The smell, the people, the books (of course!). Great idea for the theme and beautifully illustrated.

  3. Great work! As a father, artist, and educator, I love, love, love this illustration. Blessings!

  4. I remember trudging home with a load of library books to read. Those were wonderful times.

  5. Sweet illustration. It's lovely to see more kids enjoying reading these days. Wonderful work.


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