Monday, October 31, 2011

Garden visitor

A wee garden visitor. The chickadees are looking for fuel these days, the garden is fading but the birds seem to be arriving in droves.
Taking part in Art Everyday challenge this month, plus  the PiBoIdMo challenge 30 picture book ideas in 30 days!!!

The chickadees seem to be looking for suet, the quail family is present as well, the babies the same size as the parents. Add Artists in Blogland as well


  1. Oh, this just bursts with color and I love the movement you sense from the little chickadee with his wings spread. Beautifully done!

  2. This is beautiful - I love the combination of linework and watercolors in this! (And the colors are fantastic!)


  3. I love this. Soft and delicate but full of life!


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