Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mysterious Illustration Friday

She was half hidden under her hat, who was she?
It was a mystery.

By her side was a bowl of shells.

She was remembering when they collected them and wondering if he recalled the day as warmly as she did.
The shells were a keepsake of a very special day.

Labor Day end of summer :( we need to stretch it out a wee bit longer. Drying figs, harvesting tomatoes it's all good. Paint Party Friday end of summer check in.


  1. I love your treatment of the subject and the colors you chose are perfect!

  2. It's a very reflective piece. Well done. Happy PPF!

  3. I love her body position and the story behind her. Wonderful piece!!

  4. Cute story, I can just picture them collecting the shells together ( another painting perhaps?) Excellent work! Deb

  5. A beautiful piece - I can just imagine the day!

  6. Great art style! Love it!! Cool colors!


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