Monday, February 14, 2011

Words, Quotation and Sweater What could these things have in common?


The starting point: West Coast Tofino in a Cowichan Sweater for the Illustration Friday Sweater Challenge. Nothing more coastal. This is my old sweater (20 + years) that my daughter now loves, totally in fashion again. Then scanning and adding pen (never know quite when to stop)
Then adding words/quote for the Theme Thursday Word Challenge
Then the quote which is one of my all time favorites for the Three Muses quotation challenge.
Which one do you think works best?  I have looked too long. Here is a link to an amazing uplifting short clip it has nothing to do with the challenges other than being a great short that my husband received and immediatly had to share, the production quality is great as well as the message.


  1. You are so talented, this is beautiful.

  2. This is beautiful. The light is excellent. I like the darker version with or without the quote - (makes a nice greetings card with the words on)


  3. I love everything about this! Beautiful atmospheric quality and nice gesture---a favorite ; )

  4. Because I love quotes, I opt for the second. AND, thank you for the clip. It is inspiring and poignant!

  5. Oh I love the first one, it reminds me of the colours of the sea shore, though in truth I do love them all. Thank you for sharing.

  6. oh, the second one -lovely mood

  7. Both are beautiful in their own way! The key is that the illustration is wonderful!

  8. I love the muted tones and the bent head below eye level. It is a lovely and pensive watercolor

  9. Oh, they're all beautiful! I love the softness of the first, but the second is fabulous too. Love that quote!

  10. just visiting for the first time. enjoyed scanning thru your blog. a very nice body of work.


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