Zinnia Pattern, Rubeckia inspiration. Flowers from this week for the seasonal flower alliance, first of the Cafe au lait dahlia, I see what all the fuss is about! Amazing colour so subtle perhaps next week painting?
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Seaweed Pattern
Flowers for the Seasonal Alliance the garden is blooming, next year (as all gardeners say) soaker hoses and a timer, it has been a marathon task to try to keep up. It has been a summer of swimming and visitors (more to come) and work. Never enough hours in the day!
We had jellyfish in our bay the other day and friends of our daughters staying who swam into them, no stings. Saw them later on the beach expired but inspiration for Illustration Friday skull, thought of skeleton of a jellyfish?
From above buckets of bouquets ready for the market.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Succulent Pattern
Sun lovers, low water flowers of the future? Journey to the sustainable garden?
Very busy family time summer on the coast :)
Monday, August 4, 2014
August Garden Delight
Watercolour collage available in the shop
The garden in bloom, bouquets for the local market and for the Seasonal Flower Alliance. Last photo is dinner last night all from the garden, the colour is as beautiful as the flavor! The green Desert King figs heading for the market as well sooooooo sweet with all the heat we have been having.
The lilies and zinnias are in full bloom.