Sunday, June 30, 2013

Equality Sweet Peas and Canada Day!

 In wonderful bloom right now. Equality for Illustration Friday grey/or in colour equal? Which do you prefer?
Also for Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches.....
and monochromatic for Just Add Water Silly! 
Happy Canada Day the heat has arrived here 30 Celsius/close to 90!
This is the west coast usually never this warm up at 6 to start in the garden.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Bracelets & Baubles 
Watercolour doodles and play check out experiments with yupo paper, what do you think?

Blooms full of love

Sweet Peas, lavender, fragrant love. Playing with yupo paper very interesting lots to learn :)


Behind those dark glasses she kept him under close surveillance....Playing with yupo paper rich colours interesting challenge. For Illustration Friday little bit late.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Handful of fragrance

Lavender is in full bloom, buzzing with bees. Playing with backgrounds, which do you prefer? Actually getting something finished to add to Sunday Sketches! Been very busy with family and garden. Happy Fathers day to families out there, my own father is gone but I have great memories to look back on. My husband is looking forward to a nice dinner with our son and our daughter had brunch with us before heading out on a flight to her next adventure, bridesmaid in Hawaii.

Worn Out?

Worn out? I doubt it...rarely do little people want to go to sleep or admit they are tired.  For Illustration Friday worn and rather late for Paint Party Friday and Artists in Blogland.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Santolina and Peony and Butterfly

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sweet Patterns of Spring

Trying for looser watercolour patterns, what is in bloom this week. Sweet fragrance of peony and honeysuckle, jasmine starting to bloom, gardening like a mad woman......too many plants not enough space, caterpillars everywhere!