Sunday, January 27, 2013

Floral Heart

Valentines is coming up.....Taking part in a show with the Island Illustrators for the month of February all about Naughty & Nice. Mine are of the nice variety:)
Perhaps a little tame.......

Wings for a tiny dancer


Sprout wings, lift off? 

For many art challenges which I am thankful for giving me the push to make at least one illustration a week.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Winter riches

Warm winter colours, wishing I had planted tulips......

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Myth boys can throw snowballs better than girls?

What more can I say? There are some feisty little girls out there!
For Sunday Sketches, Illustration Friday and paint party friday

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Taking the plunge

Taking the plunge, testing the waters? For illustration friday & paint party friday (late) Artists in Blogland and Sunday Sketches

Further projects from this week here.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Art & Artisaway

Do you see the word? 
Art is a way challenge to play with the word art. Elsa Mora art blogs, magical paper art, painting and more. Check it out!
I agree with the philosophy that art is far more than decoration, we had the  opportunity to go to William Kurelek's retrospective at the Greater Victoria Art Gallery this past year. It was a moving exhibit of how an amazingly talented mans life was saved by art.
If you want a fun and terrific read try Where'd You Go, Bernadette?   In which not to quote is some dialogue: Get Creating otherwise you will be a menace to society. I believe this true, in William Kurelek's case after a break down in his early 20's art therapy was one of the things that saved and dramatically changed his life.
Art does us all good :)


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Wishing for spring on a dark winter day

Very dark grey day here on the coast, I'm being lured by seed catalogues, garden books and dreams of sunny days.
 For Sunday Sketches, and artists in blogland and other dreamers of sunny days ahead :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Edge of the World

Up over the edge of the world. Joyful.