Monday, December 31, 2012

Floral Celebration Happy New Year

Last of the holidays. Time to set goals for next year.....hopefully time to be creative, new challenges and keeping up with all the old ones :)
Thank you for all your kind comments and support through out the year.
All the best for 2013.

Friday, December 28, 2012

New Flowers for a New Year

Wishing for spring, renewal and light.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Glow - Kiss and all aglow! and Creative Tuesdays

A kiss from you and I am all aglow.
  Sarah Harmer song with thoughts of you.
I love this song, 1st day of holidays lots of visiting, cooking and painting coming up.

Christmas Wishes all around, with thanks for all the encouraging comments through out the year. May you have good health, joy and happiness all through the new year. A thrush in a pear tree?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tribute to a winter beauty


 A little softer colour, which one do you think works best?
 I found this thrush when we got home today she had hit the window and died. She was so beautiful that I had to try to capture her.

 The dried grasses and lichen branches are really standing out in the grey landscape right now and the birds colours pop in contrast.

 I'm not sure if I prefer the richer colours or the softer palette.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


 Remember this? Well it has moved to a new format, paper mounted on wooden cradle. Playing around with more paint and finishes.
Paper, watercolour, wooden cradle. No two alike.....

Friday, December 14, 2012

Snow, red snowsuits it's all magic

Children full of Christmas excitement + candy..... 

Frost in the air tonight, last library program we are all glittery and somewhat stuck (glued) together and very ready for a holiday!

Looking forward to a big Christmas dinner with family and a little snow?

For Illustration Friday, Paint Party Friday and Watercolor Wednesday

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Explore, explorer?

Swamp exploration....eye contact who is the hunted who is the hunter?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Little Angel

Angel? Fairy? All dressed up with wings? Perhaps all three!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


 Kitty stretch/pounce oh to be so flexible......
Buddies stretching after napping. Seems that is what they do most of the time with these short rainy days. They have wild bursts of play.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Whiskers channeling inner tiger

Old tigger, white of whiskers but she still has moments of play.
More of the falling leaves here and here.

Playing with adding backgrounds.....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Zoom Zoom

 Zoom away...hang on tight, whirl with the wind.
Meant to post earlier, power went out! Lots of wind, candles and quiet.

Falling #2

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pink Play

 Playing with pink, experiments with watercolour on paper and board. Will post the finished images sometime this week (if I don't totally wreck them!)

12 X 12 Experiment on watercolour paper + mixed media will post the final (maybe) :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tree Unravelling

Mother nature unravelling into the branches. I've had this image in my head the last few weeks. A study for a show I'm working towards with a theme of fantasy realms. It's a toss up between this idea and flying fairy's. Which do you think is the best choice?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Falling #1

They're coming down fast amazing colours. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Haunted, Spooky, Halloween

 Pumpkin costume somewhat haunted ghost like playing with black paper, then along comes the spooky..... haunted by the wolf.

Last year it was batman!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


 Feeling blue?
Or not?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mr Bear in the falling leaves

Mr Bear has had a busy day! He had better watch out he may disappear under a mantel of leaves.

Mr Bear takes flight

Mr Bears first flight. He had better not lose his seat!

For several art challenges. It would be easy to get behind on my own self imposed challenge of painting at least once a week, life gets busy but I look back at the years output and approach it as a practice.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Water falling from the sky

Mr Bear is ready for fall weather.
I'm not quite so ready! The rain has arrived and seems to be settling in.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mirror of Fall Colours

Fall Colours Mirrored all through the wild garden.
 Delicious shades juicy and prickly!

Monday, October 1, 2012


 Treasured books that recall the giver who led me to them. This edition of Gift From the Sea was from my Mother, it is a lovely hard bound embossed edition.

Other treasures, sketch books filled from childhood. Diaries. The gift of reading, writing and sketching.
 It is great to have these to look back on, the writing is hilarious!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Romantic Picnic

She has the flowers he has the picnic, wonder what is in the bag?

Crooked Crows Challenges met and Creative Tuesdays!

There was a crooked crow
Who found a crooked twig
He flew a crooked mile
To his crooked nest so big!

For many art challenges. I am constantly pushing myself because of these prompts. It would be very easy some weeks to let things slide. Thank you to all the sites that are out there that give up the "push" :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bursting with fragrance

Favourite flowers that are heady with fragrance.

Fragrant flowers are even better together :)

Had a short holiday in the interior of BC. Such a different landscape, beautiful but I missed the blue greens of the coast.

We went as far as Nelson almost to the Alberta border. 
Managed to get lost returning in the dark on the freeway into Vancouver! Lots of memorable adventures.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dance of the Cosmos

 Cosmos Dance, watercolour

The Dahlia's jumped into the dance with cosmos and santolina.